Walter Reed Middle School IHP 6th grade
Language Arts
Social Studies

Ms. Miller's Class

Projects and Special Events

Directions for Alphabet Book Project
1) Select a topic, an alphabet book format, and the 26 words/terms you will include in the book.
Your topic is up to you. You may choose any content that we have covered in history this year. You may choose to add some research-based information or use the knowledge you gained from our class. You may focus on a single civilization or cover multiple civilizations. You may focus on a single aspect of GRAPES or even a concept within an aspect of GRAPES, or you may cover multiple areas. You must have a page for each of the 26 letters in the English alphabet.
2) Develop what content you plan to include on each page.
Will there be an explanation, additional content, some form of a riddle or pattern? You will need to plan your text.
3) Prepare your illustrations. Each page must have an appropriate color illustration that goes with the text. Pictures may be hand drawn, downloaded, or some combination of the two.
4) Create your book. You may create a paper version or an ebook (i.e. with StoryJumper or Book Creator).
Don't forget:
You may help each other brainstorm, but each person must do their own project.
Have fun!!
The button on the left gives directions on how to make a slit book (as some of you may choose to do for your alphabet book). Though the video says to use 3 pieces of paper, for an alphabet book you will need 7 pieces of paper. Though the video breaks them up into one piece of paper and two pieces of paper, you should divide roughly evenly for seven papers (about 3 and 4). It does not matter which cut gets 3 and which gets four. These directions are a little different than what we did in class, but I think they are easy to follow. Let me know if you have questions or problems.
Happy Pi Day!!
How is Pi related to what we study in history?
You might be surprised. Check out this History of Pi.
You may not choose someone with whom you already have a close relationship.
You may want to include the following:
Making Friends
Adjusting to the new school
Logistics/Handling the school
Handling the program
How to succeed
Things you now know
What it will be like
What will they do in the program
Expectations of the teachers
A bit about you
Think about what you want the relationship to be and set the expectations/define your role
Consider what (if any) contact information you want to give your new mentee
Make sure you are clear about summer plans and communication blackout issues!!
When you send it to me, please tell me:
1) You want to be a mentor
2) If there's anyone you are requesting (a specific 6th grader you know is planning to be in the IHP)
3) If there are any questions you want me to ask or information you want me to inquire about (if I send out a mentee questionnaire)
4) If there is a best contact email I should use over the summer, please send it. I will put it in my mentor contact list. (Remember I also use this list when school begins as well.)
5) The letter (please include in the body of an email, not as an attachment)
6) If you want to/are willing take on more than one mentee, please let me know.
7) If there are any times over the summer that you know you will be unreachable, please try and let me know in case I need to reach you.
Letters should be emailed to me at millerihp6@gmail.com (not sent through Schoology), and I need to get them by last day of school.
Be aware that if I contact you over the summer and you are unresponsive, it could jeopardize your ability to be a mentor next year.
Grading Criteria for Alphabet Book Project
1) Did you demonstrate appropriate content knowledge based on your topic and the content we have covered this year?
2) Did you apply high level thinking in at least one aspect of your project (i.e. research deeper content, a high level creative topic with clever connections to your terms, a creative format to the book, additional unexpected connections, etc.)?
3) Do you have strong, nonrepetitive details and examples?
4) Do your illustrations complement the text?
5) Is the text clear and apprpriate for the task?
6) Is you book creative and attractive (including being legible)?
​7) Have you followed the directions and used appropriate formatting?

Open House

Directions for Alphabet Book Project
1) Select a topic, an alphabet book format, and the 26 words/terms you will include in the book.
Your topic is up to you. You may choose any content that we have covered in history this year. You may choose to add some research-based information or use the knowledge you gained from our class. You may focus on a single civilization or cover multiple civilizations. You may focus on a single aspect of GRAPES or even a concept within an aspect of GRAPES, or you may cover multiple areas. You must have a page for each of the 26 letters in the English alphabet.
2) Develop what content you plan to include on each page.
Will there be an explanation, additional content, some form of a riddle or pattern? You will need to plan your text.
3) Prepare your illustrations. Each page must have an appropriate color illustration that goes with the text. Pictures may be hand drawn, downloaded, or some combination of the two.
4) Create your book. You may create a paper version or an ebook (i.e. with StoryJumper or Book Creator).
Don't forget:
You may help each other brainstorm, but each person must do their own project.
Have fun!!
Interested in being a mentor next year?
Grading Criteria for Ancient Hebrews Album Project
Due: December 9th
Total Possible Points: out of 95 points
1) Quality of content knowledge on ancient Hebrews: out of 10 points
2) Quality of analysis: out of 10 points
3) Strong connections to GRAPES: out of 60 points (10 per component)
4) Strong argument as to whether this is (not) a civilization: out of 10 points
5) Creativity/Format: out of 5 points
And now for our final reading assignment (Maybe). . .
Book Jacket Project
Due: Friday, June 3rd
Front Cover:
Title of the Book
Author’s Name
Student’s Name
Significant Illustration to show what the main idea is (should cover the front cover)
Front Flap:
A summary of the story that may not exceed 50 words.
No spoilers please.
Back Flap:
Author’s biography
Connect the author’s life to his/her writing​
Back Cover:
At least four positive reviews (may be more depending on length)
One must be from the author of your last literature circle book and must make comparisons between that book and this book.
At least two others should be written by authors of other books you have read this year, favorably comparing them to your tale.
Interview someone who read the book, and use what they say to create a positive review from a publication.
Consider their role/interests in creating the publication
To indicate an outstanding review, create a starred (*) review
Use “ . . . ” and “ [ ] ” in your quote as needed.
Directions for Ancient Hebrews Album Project
1) Choose a song that you can argue shows each an aspect of GRAPES for the ancient Hebrews. (Note: You will need one song for each aspect of GRAPES.)
2) Create an argument about why it symbolizes that quality of the ancient Hebrews. (The better your argument and the more connections you can make, the better your grade. You will also get points for being creative in how you analyze the song. Don't just state the obvious!)
3) Choose a 7th song that will answer the question of why the ancient Hebrews are or are not a civilization.
4) You will burn all seven songs to a CD.
5) You will create some sort of CD printed material (cover) to go in the case. It should include: your name, your album name, and an illustration on the front. Inside it should include the title, group, and connection/s for each song you chose.​
6) Have fun!