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Formatting Resources
Use the following resources to assist you in formatting your writing assignments.
Second Chances and Extra Credit

You will have several opportunities to improve poor first grades. In addition to final versions being worth more points than draft assignments, you also have the chance to redo up to 5 assignments during the semester. Additionally, you may improve your grade by up to 5% by doing an extra credit. (The amount of credit depends on the amount of effort shown in your work.) You will find information on these opportunities below:









Second Chance (2nd Semester) due:

 English Extra Credit: Due TBD 

Write a persuasive argument comparing Remote Learning to classroom learning. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of each and develop a clear and cogent argument about which is more effective and why.


I will allow you some latitude in your final product. You could do an academic essay, a brochure, or a more creative project, but regardless the strength of your arguments, evidence, and analysis as well as your organization, content, and comprehensibility (including CUPS) will be judged. 


I look forward to reading your thoughts on the subject.

Battle of the Books List
Writing Criteria

You may look at the basic criteria for basic writing formats - analytical paragraphs, essays, and papers. Use these resources to help identify what I will be judging in your writing. (This does not include quality of content which is also graded.)


Reading Criteria

You may use these resources for assistance in reading tests and completing analytical writing on your reading (including book critiques).

History Resources

You may access these resources for assitance in analyzing civilizations, including those we are studying in history.

Literature Circle Resources

We will be reading a novel during each unit to accompany our whole class novel selection. You may use the resources below as a guideline to completing this work. Please be prepared as others are depending on you to deepen their text understanding.

History - DBQ

We will do DBQs regularly as part of our history work. There are three sections: Reliability (how much can we trust the source), Content Evidence (what does it say), and Analysis (how does it support your argument. Make sure your DBQs have all of these elements.

Sub Plans

Title emailed documents with: Title - Author 

For example: CN 1-3 - Kate Miller

Please do not send Pages documents

Your name and title need to be in the document and in its name. 

 History Extra Credit: Due ???

As you are currently living through history, you will document current events. Create some form of on-going record documenting your experiences. 


Among the issues you could choose to highlight:

 - How national/global issues are playing out in your community

 - How events are being covered on social media/in the news.

 - Perspectives of those you know based on interviews (i.e. family members, friends, etc.)

 - How people of different ages are affected by/are processing events

 - A first person perspective documenting how you and your family are living under this new lifestyle. 


While I will not set a specific quantity on the work, there needs to be clear evidence showing that how new information/evolving effects impact your topic. I would think this would require a minimum of 1-2 entries per week, maybe more as new information becomes available.


Among the products you could use to showcase your final product:

- A video

- A diary

- A photo essay

- A first person narrative

There are many other options. Be creative, and remember that this should be a lasting record, not just a school project!

10/11/19 - English

In the writing section of your English notebooks, you should find quotes from the beginning, middle, and end of the Crossover that you feel convey the theme. Each quote should use some language technique that will allow you analysis to go deeper than just the literal or even the figurative. Think about why Kwame Alexander used that particular device and what you could say about it. (If you want to type them, you need to glue the page into your notebook!)


10/11/19 - History

Write a response about what you learned from Monday’s simulation, giving at least a sentence or two about how your understanding of each varna (including the Dalit/pariahs even though they are technically not a caste) of India has deepened or changed because of the simulation and/or videos.



12/2/19 - English

Literature Circles


12/2/19 - History

China Museum Project Work Day


12/9/19 - English

Literature Circles


12/9/19 - Double English

Plot PPT and work on developing your short story plot structure


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